Topik 6

You will learn how to say days and tell the time in Bahasa Indonesia
In this lesson, you will learn how to tell the time and make an appointment

1st : pertama
2nd : kedua
3rd : ketiga
Days in Bahasa Indonesia

Sunday : Minggu
Monday : Senin
Tuesday : Selasa
Wednesday : Rabu
Thursday : Kamis
Friday : Jumat
Saturday : Sabtu

Months in Bahasa Indonesia

January : Januari
February : Februari
March : Maret
April : April
May : Mei
June : Juni
July : Juli
August : Agustus
September : September
November : November
December : Desember

Click here to practise your month



Day : Hari
Month : Bulan
Year : Tahun
Today : Hari ini
Tomorrow : Besok
Yesterday : Kemarin
Last month : Bulan lalu
Next month : Bulan depan
The day after tomorrow : Lusa
2 days ago : Dua hari yang lalu
4 days to come : 4 hari yang akan datang

Hari ini hari apa? What day is it today
Hari ini hari Senin Today is Monday
Bulan depan bulan apa ? What month is it next month?
Bulan depan bulan April Next month is April
Tanggal berapa Anda lahir? What date is your birthday?
Saya lahir tanggal 27

Click Latihan 1

Latihan 1

JAM BERAPA? What time is it?

In Bahasa Indonesia, there are a couple of ways telling the time
For example :
Jam berapa sekarang? What time is it now?
Jam 7 pagi It is seven in the morning


Past : Lewat
To : Kurang
Half : Setengah
Quarter : Seperempat

Click Latihan 2 to practise more

Latihan 2

Click Latihan 3 to practise more

Latihan 3

Click Latihan 4 to practise more

Latihan 4

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